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Monday 25 June 2018


Warehouse Management Systems (WMS) have been available since the earliest computer systems and were allowed simple storage location functionality. Today WMS systems can be standalone or part of an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system and can include complex technology such as Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) and voice recognition. However the basic principle of the warehouse system has remained the same, which is to provide information to allow efficient control of the movement of materials within the warehouse. The implementation of a WMS is often complex. Project planning is critical to the success of any WMS implementation. The project requires warehouse resources to collect data on the physical warehouse, materials, inventory as well as defining the strategies required to operate the warehouse. There is the added challenge of implementing the system whilst still operating the warehouse (Kerridge, 2006). In the current business world, warehouse management as perceived by the industry today is not just managing within the boundaries of a warehouse; it is much wider and goes beyond the physical boundaries. Inventory management, inventory planning, cost management, IT applications & communication technology to be used are all related to warehouse management (Bartezzaghi, 2003). Saleemi (2003) indicate that container storage, loading and unloading are also covered by warehouse management today which is also part of Supply Chain Management (SCM) and demand good management. Even production management is to a great extent dependent on warehouse management. Efficient warehouse management gives a cutting edge to a retail chain distribution company.
Decades ago, warehousing company managers often shopped for "best of breed" technology to manage their facilities and to track inventory. Systems were implemented with expectations that they would run effectively for fifteen years or more before requiring upgrades. Today, the constant evolution of technology requires a different approach to purchasing warehouse
management solutions. Instead of buying a single system rated "very best," managers are happy to purchase exactly what they need right now to evolve and expand their systems (De Boer, 2002). Interoperability and expansion are the key buzzwords right now, since facility managers must be ready to integrate their systems with clients and with other vendors. Overall, the trends affecting warehousing services currently stem from end user demands for speed, efficiency, and environmental awareness (Kouvelis, 2006).

1.2 Problem Statement
Well managed warehouse system help an organization keep proper track of inventory, maintain the levels of inventory as per requirement, increase in accuracy, reduce labor costs and ensure proper maintenance as well as storage of stock. This kind of management will provide ease and convenience to the suppliers and distributors to keep the track of inventory and maintenance as well (Harold, 2002). Thus, warehouse management is very beneficial in storage and maintenance of stock or inventory. Indeed a number of studies indicate that an efficient warehouse management system is crucial to an organization’s operational performance Kerridge, 2006; Larson, 2004; Liao 2007). However, many organizations today have not taken the issue of warehousing into account, storage of goods and distributions from the same warehouses are done haphazardly that is without any order, theft cases have been on the rise giving a compromise on the general ethics of workers, due to the disorganization and inadequate incorporation of modern information technology which come with good warehouse management systems, it has resulted to inaccuracy order management techniques which has dealt a major blow to the organization as a whole (Ackerman, 2008; Cooper, 2002).
Information technology has been identified as one of the biggest influencers of the business world today (Bartezzaghi, 2003). Though many believe that information technology mainly benefits large operations that have considerable financial muscle, there is evidence that even small warehouses can benefit from IT innovations. This can be achieved through partial automation of their operations through emerging internet based services (Govindarajan, 2007).
Organizations are trying their best to cut on costs and increase profitability. Warehouse management is one of the areas in which substantial cost savings can be made. Warehouse maintenance cost reduction can only be achieved by making appropriate design decisions on the strategic characteristics of warehouse facilities (Kerridge, 2006).

Chapters: 1 - 5
Delivery: Email
Number of Pages: 70

Price: 3000 NGN
In Stock


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