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Thursday, 19 July 2018

Online Vehicle Sales Management System ASP .NET Visual Basic Source Code

Online Vehicle Sales Management System ASP .NET Visual Basic Source Code
Online Vehicle Sales Management System enable customers to purchase vehicles online with secure credit card payment gateway thereby reducing risk of travelling to purchase the car. The present system registers and keeps the information about all vehicles. The methodology adopted for this project is the Structured System Analysis and Design Methodology (SSADM).
Online Vehicle Sales Management System project is a website application which is implemented in ASP .NET Visual Basic platform.

Project Title: Online Vehicle Sales Management System
Type of Project: Website/Web Based Application
Technology: ASP .NET Visual Basic Language
Database: SQL-Server 2008 as Back End

These are the major modules the system is made up of.
  1. Administrative Module
Administrative module is provided for the sake of administrators to manage the site and update the content at regular intervals, the major operations included in this module are:
  1. Add vehicle information
  2. View purchase history
  3. Update purchase information
  4. Process Order
  5. Confirm Order
User Module
This module is meant for user, the major operations included in this module were:
  1. Search Vehicle
  2. Place order
  3. Make payment
  4. Print payment slip
  1. Output Specification And Design
Output from the system is in form of documents. Majority of the outputs caries information relating to vehicle sales, the outputs are presented in a text/image format and some of the information derived from the database.
  1. Input Specification And Design
The program designed involved some input forms in order to achieve or derived some required outputs. These forms relate to vehicle sales information.

Price: NGN 5000 
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