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Monday 3 September 2018


Biometric authentication using ear image is new research area. Many unique features of human are explored but not many are used. This project focuses on one such area, that is Authentication using ear image. While sign up user will provide user name, password, email id. Also user will register his ear image using HD camera. In this application, user will be authenticated, using user name, password and ear image captured from camera. In 1st step of log in user will be authenticated based on user name and password. User will capture his ear Image it will be converted to 3D and this image will be saved in drive. In 2nd step of user will provide his ear image using HD camera, and authentication will be done by matching real time ear image with ear image stored while sign-up.
In earlier projects the ear as the basis for a new class of biometrics, there is the need to show that it is viable (i.e., Universal, unique, Permanent, Collectable). In the same way any one can prove that fingerprints are unique or not, there is no separate way to visualize that each human has a unique pair of ears. Instead, an assertion that this is probable can be made based on supporting evidence from two experiments conducted by Alfred Iannarelli. It is obvious that the structure of the ear does not change radically over time. Medical literature reports that ear size increase after the first four months of birth is proportional. It turns out that even though ear size increases is proportional, gravity can cause the ear to undergo stretching in the not horizontal direction. Due to this most marked in the lobe of the ear, and measurements show that the change is non-linear. The rate of stretching is nearly five times more than normal during the slot from four months to the age of eight, after which it is constant until around 70 when it again increases. Since every individual has ears, it is rational to show that the ear is unique. The ear is also collectable using various means. The ear has several universal key points which can be used for identification. The main challenge in ear recognition systems is producing an automated method to extract those specific key points

Chapters: 1 - 5
Delivery: Email
Number of Pages: 75

Price: 3000 NGN
In Stock


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